Location: Sitio Soliman, Barangay Iwahig, Puerto Princesa City, February 14, 2024
In an inspiring display of environmental stewardship, Project Zacchaeus family (PZC) participated in the 20th annual Love Affair with Nature event, a heartening initiative aimed at strengthening the bond between communities and the environment. This year's event was marked by a significant tree-planting activity that focused on the restoration of the mangrove ecosystem, a vital component in combating coastal erosion and preserving marine biodiversity.
The City Government of Puerto Princesa, known for its proactive approach to environmental issues, spearheaded the event. They emphasized the importance of community involvement in tackling the challenges posed by successive rains and potential coastal flooding, issues that have become increasingly pressing in the region.
Participants, including Project Zacchaeus (Farm Konekt, Eco Kolek, and Juana Fresh), gathered at Sitio Soliman early in the morning. They engaged in the planting of mangrove seedlings, an activity that not only contributes to the ecological balance but also instills a sense of responsibility towards nature in the participants. This hands-on approach serves as an educational experience, especially for younger participants, highlighting the importance of mangroves in protecting shorelines and supporting marine life.
The event concluded successfully at 8:00 AM, with all participants having planted mangrove seedlings in the designated areas. This collective effort underscores a commitment to a "Lifetime Commitment" to nature, as echoed in the theme of the event. It represents a step forward in restoring and preserving the natural beauty and ecological balance of the mangrove forests in Palawan.
Through initiatives like the Love Affair with Nature, Palaweños are encouraged to cultivate sustainable livelihoods that harmonize with the environment. The involvement of Project Zacchaeus family and other community members in such activities is a testament to the growing awareness and action towards environmental preservation. This event not only contributes to the immediate improvement of the local ecosystem but also serves as a beacon of hope and a model for other communities to emulate in their journey towards sustainability and environmental harmony.